Talkin' Agenda Lite — "Final" Version New Features in the final version 1. New Talkin' Agenda Add-on: TA Lite now comes with an optional additional package -- TalkIcon.pkg -- that will install into your extras folder. Tapping it will launch TA and initiate speaking, and it will open a Talkin' Agenda button at the upper left of your screen so that you can pause and cancel speaking as you normally would. Once your agenda has been read, TalkIcon disappears. Why, you ask? This permits people who use package launchers (i++, the Stand Alone launchers, KwikMenu, etc.) or scripts (e.g., GestureLaunch) to have their agenda read to them from anywhere, even if the backdrop is closed. You do not need to install TalkIcon.pkg if you don't want this feature. IMPORTANT NOTE: TalkIcon is currently parasitic off of the Talkin' Agenda autopart that installs in your extensions drawer. Without the autopart, TalkIcon will not work. Please install both packages in order to use TalkIcon. TalkIcon is beta, and may change. 2. Restore default Voice/Rate/Pitch: A popular user request. It's kind of nuts, because I invented the default Voice/Rate/Pitch settings quite arbitrarily. But the customer is King! Note that the restoration will not show up on the pickers and sliders in prefs until you close and reopen, but when your Newton proclaims "Default Settings Restored", they are!! 3. No expiry!! TA Lite will stay with you until you tire of it. Note that this does not necessarily mean that TA Lite is the final possible version of Talkin' Agenda... you'll just need to stay tuned. 4. Easter Eggs? Maybe... The first 3 people to find two of them will get free copies of the forthcoming Talkin' Agenda Pro. 5. Note: TA Lite does not handle repeating ToDos. The repeat ToDos soup is an incredible mess, and makes little sense; incorporating support for them in TA Lite would double the size of the code and make it far less likely to be freeware. I'm sorry about that. Fixes and changes in TA Lite Final: 1. Some tweaks to improve MoreInfo performance. 2. Changed some of the speaking to improve clarity. 3. Streamlined the code some. 4. Improved the prefs appearance. 5. Reduced maximum pitch to better reflect the available range. So tell me about Talkin' Agenda Pro!! Well, Talkin' Agenda Pro will cost between 10 and 12 dollars, and offer the following enhancements (the list is not final but will definitely include these) 1. Priority sorting for todos — read all tasks or a set priority or range 2. Datepicker. Tapping the button will read the day's agenda; Tap and hold will pop a date picker so that any day's agenda can be read. 3. Power on/Alarm support. Set TA Pro to read your agenda at first power-on in the morning, or set a time for it to be read to you. 4. Other fun stuff. When will TA Pro be available? My best guess is late March will see the first public beta. Enjoy TA Lite! -Will Nelson Newton Underground